Artistic Directors, Creators, & Producers

Eat the Cake Studio

Brought together by their shared love of stories, history – and cake! – Frances, Elena, Maddy and Jen have united their creative powerhouse strengths to create Eat The Cake, an experience design studio dedicated to redefining the experience of storytelling and audience engagement. Let Them Eat Cake, their debut show under the banner of the new company, is an intimate retelling of a turning point in the French Revolution from the point of view of legendary icon, Queen Marie-Antoinette.

Rachel Calvo
Rachel CalvoCourt Photographer
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Mathieu da Vinha
Mathieu da VinhaHistorical Consultant
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Joleen Emory
Joleen EmoryRoyal Make-Up Artist
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Janine Springall
Janine SpringallRoyal Pastry Chef
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Imyra Santana
Imyra SantanaCourt Musicologist
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Claire Amoureux
Claire AmoureuxRoyal Set Designer
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Jonathan Hurteau
Jonathan HurteauRoyal Scribe
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Original Collaborating Cast

Agathe Anquez
Agathe AnquezMadame Elizabeth
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Charlotte Herbeau
Charlotte HerbeauPrincess of Lamballe
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Chiara Maxia
Chiara MaxiaFirst Chambermaid / Madame Campan
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Elena Odessa Ray
Elena Odessa RayDuchess of Polignac
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Florian Bartsch
Florian BartschKing Louis XVI
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Jonny Slysa
Jonny SlysaFranz Mezmer
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Magnus Broome
Magnus BroomeFrançois Gamain
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Margot Lourdet
Margot LourdetComtesse Marguerite de Viperres
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Mia Leahy
Mia LeahyFirst Chambermaid / Madame Campan
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Pauline Prevost
Pauline PrevostMarie-Antoinette
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Stephanie Campion
Stephanie CampionMadame Campan
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Victoria Belletti
Victoria BellettiMarie-Antoinette
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Yohann Chopin
Yohann ChopinValet of the King’s House
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